In this paper, we present lessons learned in the development of TellFinder, a tool designed to explore domain-specific web crawls using graph analysis and multi-modal visualization. The initial application of the tool was to help combat human trafficking through entity resolution and characterization based on data from sex ads crawled from a variety of publicly available sites.

TellFinder is a software platform that enables counter human trafficking investigators to search and visualize many millions of enriched adult service ads from the deep web. In this talk we discuss how TellFinder works and how it has impacted investigations and prosecutions during its active deployment with various agencies.
Analysts tasked with solving social problems like human trafficking rely on long-established processes and field experience. Broad artificial intelligence solutions to these problems have good intentions, but they often omit nuance and context that analysts bring. In this talk, we present Uncharted’s approach to designing “augmented intelligence” tools for global resilience that let both humans and machines do what they do best.