Process mining and more broadly journey analytics create sequences that can be understood with graph-oriented visual analytics. We have designed and implemented more than a dozen visual analytics on sequence data in production software over the last 20 years. We outline a variety of data challenges, user tasks, visualization layouts, node and edge representations, and interactions, including strengths and weaknesses and potential future research.

In this paper, we present in-progress work on “Influent,” a graph analysis tool that enables an intelligence analyst to visually and interactively “follow the money” or other transaction flow. Summary visualizations of transactional patterns and entity characteristics, a left-to-right semantic flow layout, interactive link expansion and hierarchical entity clustering enable Influent to operate effectively at scale with millions of entities and hundreds of millions of transactions, with larger data sets in progress.
This session demonstrates using open source tools and techniques for visually exploring massive node-link graphs in a web browser by visualizing all the data. Seeing all the data reveals informative patterns and provides important context to understanding insights. Examples will highlight large-scale graph analysis of social networks, customer purchase history, and healthcare industry data.