Strategy Mapper is a visual analytic tool for human-machine decision making in complex situations with uncertainty in estimating and understanding a competitor’s intent and tactics. Users can compare and reason through multiple hypotheses about one or more competitor’s behaviors, and consider recommendations to probe for more information. Using the “Gray Zone” as an application example, a user evaluation exercise shows the methods are usable and effective.
Argument Mapper
The publications and talks shown below relate to Uncharted’s Argument Mapper.

Argument Mapper provides an easy-to-use, theoretically sound, web-based interactive software tool that enables the application of evidence-based reasoning to analytic questions. Designed in collaboration with analytic methodologists, this tool combines structured argument mapping methodology with visualization techniques to help analysts make sense of complex problems and overcome cognitive biases.
[Short Paper] Humans are vulnerable to cognitive biases such as neglect of probability, framing effect, confirmation bias, conservatism (belief revision) and anchoring. The Argument Mapper addresses these biases in intelligence analysis by providing an easy-to-use, theoretically sound, web-based interactive software tool that enables the application of evidence-based reasoning to analytic questions.